In 2067, crop blights and dust storms threaten humanity's survival. Joseph Cooper, a widowed engineer and former NASA pilot turned farmer, lives with his father-in-law, Donald, his 15-year-old son, Tom Cooper, and 10-year-old daughter, Murphy "Murph" Cooper. After a dust storm, strange dust patterns inexplicably appear on Murphy's bedroom floor; she attributes the anomaly to a ghost. Cooper eventually deduces the patterns were caused by gravity variations and that they represent geographic coordinates in binary code. Cooper follows the coordinates to a secret NASA facility headed by Professor John Brand, Cooper's former supervisor, who says gravitational anomalies have happened elsewhere. Forty-eight years earlier, unknown beings positioned a wormhole near Saturn, opening a path to a distant galaxy with twelve potentially habitable worlds located near a black hole named Gargantua. Twelve volunteers traveled through the wormhole to individually survey the planets. Astronauts Miller, Edmunds, and Mann reported positive results. Based on their data, Professor Brand conceived two plans to ensure humanity's survival. Plan A involves developing a gravitational propulsion theory to propel settlements into space, while Plan B involves launching the Endurance spacecraft carrying 5,000 frozen human embryos to settle a habitable planet.
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